Friday 29 June 2012

The 2nd Day of my Intensive Hypnosis Program help me understand the concepts of Syariat, Ma'rifat and Hakikat better ;) Alhamdulillah :)
Like ·  ·  · 29 June at 21:31 via Mobile

Thursday 28 June 2012

My Day 1 (Morning Session) Learning in my Intensive Hypnosis Program:
1. What the Mind expects to happen tends to materialize.
2. What they call hypnosis and trance, we Muslims call the state of Khusyuk (SubhanAllah!)
3. In real fact, there is no such thing as a hypnotist. We only FACILITATE the process of hypnosis.
4. The higher your IQ, the easier you are to be hypnotized! (I so like this statement! Ahem!) — at Asia Mind Dynamics
Like ·  ·  · 28 June at 13:24 in Kuala Lumpur